HOMENews Center

White latex use precautions

1, bonding operation, the use of temperature shall not be less than 7 degrees Celsius; not high temperature, more than 95 degrees Celsius, will lead to decreased layer strength.
2, according to different uses, white latex can be diluted with water, but it is necessary to heat it to more than 30 degrees Celsius, and more than 30 degrees Celsius slowly into the mixing even before use, not 10 degrees Celsius below the cold water dilution.
3, after the start of use, the lid should be covered in order to prevent crust, can be sprinkled with a layer of water, when used to stir evenly. And add a little hydrochloric acid before use, can improve the curing speed.
4, with other hydrophobic resin mixed with two-component products, improve product bonding strength, water resistance and heat resistance, shorten the curing time.
5, white latex is generally safe, but can not swallow or splash into the eyes. If you accidentally touch the mouth or eyes, immediately use plenty of water rinse.
6, do not white latex into the river or sewer, so as to avoid pollution or sewer blockage, the use of the remainder, put it aside, to be dry film after the disposal of solid waste.
7, storage and transportation: must be stored in a cool, dry, the temperature of 5 degrees Celsius above the environment, tight pot shelf life of 12 months or more. Storage should be light, light, to prevent inversion, extrusion and exposure.